Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Thursday, March 20
Mission Statement:
The Hebron High School Silver Wings are a prestigious group of young women who perform for their school and community. It is our belief that this organization is built to enhance growth and development of young women, thus preparing them with lifelong skills. Our program is aimed to implement ethical behavior, integrity all while cultivating the dedication and passion through the art of dance. The dancers learn commitment, teamwork, and dedication, therefore encouraging them to serve their school and community as positive role models.
The Experience:
They will not only learn about dance, but they will make life long friends, learn to build relationships with other organizations, and form many positive memories.
The Expectation:
It is a privilege to be on drill team, not a right. As a Silver Wing – you are held to a higher standard and expected to follow the Silver Wing Constitution and Lewisville ISD Code of Conduct at all times.
Time Commitment:
Drill Team is a full yearlong extra curricular activity. We do not have an “off season” and their time is demanding. Every rehearsal and performance is mandatory. Practices begin at 7am each day and Silver Wing class time is during 1st period.
Football Season:
We perform at all HHS Football games including advancing into play-offs. We travel together on bus. There are several pep rallies that occur through the year during this season. The director may deem tryouts for all routines.
Contest Season:
Attending contest will be a year to year decision by the director. Contest season includes several Saturday rehearsals to prepare. Not everyone may be included in contest routines, however, everyone attends all contests.
Spring Show: (Silver Wing Highlights)
This is literally the “Highlight” of our year. The Silver Wings put on a professional production at HHS each spring in the auditorium. The entire community is invited.
Leadership Positions:
Officers vs Sergeants –
Officers are leaders of the team who assist the directors. They help choreograph, polish, take demerits, and in all serve their team. They are also exceptional dancers.
Sergeants are leaders who promote motivation for their team, are in charge of birthdays, big sis/lil sis, team events, etc.
*You must be on the team for at least a year before trying out for a leadership position.
Line Tryouts:
Line tryouts for the team are held each year in the Spring (March). Beginning Spring of 2014 – if you make the team, you will not need to tryout again unless you become academically ineligible while on the team or one reaches excessive demerits (i.e. – Probation).
A part of being involved in any extra-curricular activity or club is fundraising. It is critical that every team member do their best to raise funds for the organization. The purpose of fundraising is so the parents of the member are not paying out of pocket.
Parent Support/Financial Expenses:
It is important for parents to get involved and be a member of the Booster Club. The director cannot run the team without parent support. From helping in a large way (serving as a board member or committee chair) to any small way (signing up to work a two hour fundraiser shift), etc will go a long way in helping this TEAM. All efforts are greatly appreciated. And lastly – your daughter needs YOUR support. Financially and emotionally. Drill team is not cheap and attending as many of their functions as you can is always appreciated. Before you know it – she will be graduating and leaving the nest. Make it count – and help make it her high school years the best.